Owing to its remarkable resilience, flexible duct hoses have gained popularity across different industrial applications. The hoses are made of highly flexible materials like Polyutherane (PU) or PVC, and are often combined with steel spiral wire to add more suppleness. These can be seamlessly bent in various angles and therefore, can be designed to fit the needs of diverse industrial applications and production processes.
The best reason why flexible ducting hoses such as polyutherane duct collector or silicone hoses are widely used is their unmatched flexibility. The duct hoses can be easily fitted within any equipment or walls. Most of these hoses are also intelligently designed to withstand high pressure levels. Before you buy, mention the pressure level at which your system operates so that Modi Trading can suggest the best solution.
Aims Rubber Industries is one of the top suppliers of high-quality and a variety of flexible duct hoses in India.